Saturday, March 28, 2015

DEFINITELY the best football quiz!

This past Thursday marked the first football-themed quiz night Stratford's Cafe Football, with over 50 players turning out for an evening all about the beautiful game...

Cafe Football offered up some great prizes on the evening, including signed footballs from owners Ryan Giggs and Gary Neville, Cafe Football polo shirts, a £50 voucher, dinner for each member of the winning team and a bottle of wine to share. Prizes galore!

50 players on 13 teams joined us on the evening, all vying for the prizes on offer...

We kicked off our footy quiz with our "what happens next" video round, testing contestants to predict the outcome of five football clips on screen!

Teams discussed their answers...

And patrons tucked into Cafe Football's famous pub grub, fuelling all their football-thinking brains...

Quizzards of Aus (no warm beers please) finished in 7th place with 51 points...

And The Neville wears Prada showcased their team naming tekkers as well as their footy knowledge, rounding up the game with 47 points as a duo!

Elsewhere, the crowd burst out into song as birthday celebrations began for one team. Happy 27th Birthday Jake!


And we announced the winner of our spot prize, after contestants had 60 seconds to hand in an answer with the closest winning a free drink.

Catarina was the lucky winner of the evening, with her guess closest to our footy themed question. She won a two litre of Tuborg!

We saw Louis Van Gaal's Long Balls finished in fourth place, with 62 points!

Solo quizzer Aaron's Promotion Dogfight tremendously brought it 49 points on his own to finish in 9th!

And FC No Hope! brought plenty of enthusiasm to the table despite their lack of confidence in winning. They finished with 46 points! 

We had TWO picture sheets to challenge our football fanatics on the evening...

Quizlamic Extremists got the crowd laughing with their team name! The trio scored 53 on the night.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ finished in fifth place with 60 points! Nice effort for a threesome.

Bringing it up the rear, quiz trio Romanios Girls finished in 13th with 34 points.

Our Best Dressed Team Prize went to Ken Dodds Dads Dog's Dead. The lads donned their best footy gear for the themed evening and won a Cafe Football polo shirt each!

Quiz trio Tuscan Raiders finished up as runners up, with 69 points at the end of the game. They won a £50 bar voucher to enjoy! Nice job lads.

WINNERS Quiz Kamara finished with a whopping 76 points! They won dinner each, a bottle of wine to share and a signed football each from Ryan Giggs and Gary Neville! 

You can see a full album of photos from our football-themed quiz night here!

Our regular quiz night continues next Thursday at 7pm. Join us then!

Until next time Stratford, drink while you think...

Thursday 26th March 2015 scores:
1. 76 Quiz Kamara
2. 69 Tuscan Raiders
3. 63 Ken Dodds Dads Dog's Dead
4. 62 Louis Van Gaal's Long Balls
6. 53 Quizlamic Extremists
7. 51 Quizzards of Aus (no warm beers please)
8. 50 Balls Deep F.C. (In your face)
9. 49 Aaron's Promotion Dogfight
10. 47 The Neville wears Prada
11. 46 FC No Hope!
12. 36 Corpus Christi College
13. 34 Romanios Girls

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