Friday, February 6, 2015

Not bad for Norfolk...

Quiz night at Stratford's Cafe Football rolled on this week, with seven teams vying for prizes!

Cafe Football served up their famously delicious food for our quiz patrons!

It seems Norfolk was on the minds of our quiz teams this week, with NFN (Normal for Norfolk) showing their quizzing tekkies as they came into the game half way through and still wrapped up with 35 points!

And it was Norfolk-in Chance who came as runners up on the evening, raking in 39 points as a deadly duo!

We're not sure that the bottle-singing Northerner was part of their team...

Elsewhere, Down the drain scored 32 points. 

And it was I just quizzed in your face that won our best team name prize! Classic.

Just winning by a point were quiz regulars Dave & Bob! The gents were crowned champions after finishing 5th last week...

Quiz night returns next Thursday at 7pm!

Until next time Stratford, drink while you think...

Thursday 5th February 2015 scores:
1. 40 Dave & Bob
2. 39 Norfolk-in Chance
3. 35 NFN (Normal for Norfolk)
4. 34 I just quizzed in your face
5. 32 Down the drain
6. 30 Ioan's Army #RAF
7. 22 Part time local

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