Quiz with us this week!

Check our schedule to see where and when to get busy quizzing this week!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

West Siiiiide Winners! (NO QUIZ on 9th April!)

40 players joined us at Cafe Football this past Thursday, with ten teams in the house vying for some great prizes on offer...

We had some cracking team names on the evening, including I was going to bring the love of my life to the quiz, but she was unavailable... So I brought my Wife instead. The duo finished in sixth place with 31 points. Rumour has it, they're related to Quizmaster Sam... We don't do family prizes people.

R. Sends & Hugh Jardon were another dynamic duo, finishing in fourth place with 33 points.

Our Best Team Name winners On A Fact Hunt! won a free bottle of wine for the prize.

Newbie Quizmaster Nicole hosted alongside Quizmaster Sam on the evening, getting her first taste of Cafe Football...

Elsewhere, we saw Dislekxia FC finish up in third place. No prize for bronze unfortunately!

And joining us late in the game were Late Cummers. They ended up with 16 points. Not bad under pressure!

And trio Just here for the Beer certainly embraced our #DrinkWhileYouThink slogan.

The Big Bang Theory finished up with 22 points.

Quizzie Rascal came in second place winning a £20 voucher, unfortunately we forgot to get a picture of the team before they left! Darn it.

Winners with a masssssive 46 points were Hotsteppers West Side. Previous winners at Cafe Football, the foursome won a £30 voucher to spend. Cheers gents!

There's NO QUIZ on 9th April due to a private charity event. We're back on the 16th of April!

Until next time Stratford, drink while you think...

Thursday 2nd April 2015 scores:
1. 46 Hotsteppers West Side
2. 39 Quizzie Rascal
3. 36 Dislekxia FC
4. 33 R. Sends & Hugh Jardon
4. 33 Just here for the Beer
6. 31 I was going to bring the love of my life to the quiz, but she was unavailable... So I brought my Wife instead.
7. 29 On a Fact Hunt!
8. 22 The Big Bang Theory
9. 16 Late Cummers
10. 13 Tart & Lilly

Saturday, March 28, 2015

DEFINITELY the best football quiz!

This past Thursday marked the first football-themed quiz night Stratford's Cafe Football, with over 50 players turning out for an evening all about the beautiful game...

Cafe Football offered up some great prizes on the evening, including signed footballs from owners Ryan Giggs and Gary Neville, Cafe Football polo shirts, a £50 voucher, dinner for each member of the winning team and a bottle of wine to share. Prizes galore!

50 players on 13 teams joined us on the evening, all vying for the prizes on offer...

We kicked off our footy quiz with our "what happens next" video round, testing contestants to predict the outcome of five football clips on screen!

Teams discussed their answers...

And patrons tucked into Cafe Football's famous pub grub, fuelling all their football-thinking brains...

Quizzards of Aus (no warm beers please) finished in 7th place with 51 points...

And The Neville wears Prada showcased their team naming tekkers as well as their footy knowledge, rounding up the game with 47 points as a duo!

Elsewhere, the crowd burst out into song as birthday celebrations began for one team. Happy 27th Birthday Jake!


And we announced the winner of our spot prize, after contestants had 60 seconds to hand in an answer with the closest winning a free drink.

Catarina was the lucky winner of the evening, with her guess closest to our footy themed question. She won a two litre of Tuborg!

We saw Louis Van Gaal's Long Balls finished in fourth place, with 62 points!

Solo quizzer Aaron's Promotion Dogfight tremendously brought it 49 points on his own to finish in 9th!

And FC No Hope! brought plenty of enthusiasm to the table despite their lack of confidence in winning. They finished with 46 points! 

We had TWO picture sheets to challenge our football fanatics on the evening...

Quizlamic Extremists got the crowd laughing with their team name! The trio scored 53 on the night.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ finished in fifth place with 60 points! Nice effort for a threesome.

Bringing it up the rear, quiz trio Romanios Girls finished in 13th with 34 points.

Our Best Dressed Team Prize went to Ken Dodds Dads Dog's Dead. The lads donned their best footy gear for the themed evening and won a Cafe Football polo shirt each!

Quiz trio Tuscan Raiders finished up as runners up, with 69 points at the end of the game. They won a £50 bar voucher to enjoy! Nice job lads.

WINNERS Quiz Kamara finished with a whopping 76 points! They won dinner each, a bottle of wine to share and a signed football each from Ryan Giggs and Gary Neville! 

You can see a full album of photos from our football-themed quiz night here!

Our regular quiz night continues next Thursday at 7pm. Join us then!

Until next time Stratford, drink while you think...

Thursday 26th March 2015 scores:
1. 76 Quiz Kamara
2. 69 Tuscan Raiders
3. 63 Ken Dodds Dads Dog's Dead
4. 62 Louis Van Gaal's Long Balls
6. 53 Quizlamic Extremists
7. 51 Quizzards of Aus (no warm beers please)
8. 50 Balls Deep F.C. (In your face)
9. 49 Aaron's Promotion Dogfight
10. 47 The Neville wears Prada
11. 46 FC No Hope!
12. 36 Corpus Christi College
13. 34 Romanios Girls

Friday, March 13, 2015

Fact Hunting at Cafe Football...

This past Thursday saw eight teams join us for quiz night at Stratford's Cafe Football, with three prizes up for grabs on the evening...

A few newcomers joined us as well as our regular quizzers, including Beth is coming... twice. On your face! The previous winners finished in tied third this time round with 41 points!

And yes, that IS a Rubik's cube. Only the coolest quiz teams play with a Rubik's cube in between questions to keep their mind in gear.

Elsewhere on the evening, Charlie's Big Potatoes proved that you can do it with two! The duo racked up 46 points to finish in second place with a £25 voucher.

Tits on the C2C won our best team name accolade and a free bottle of wine!

But it was experienced quizzers More Fact Hunts who picked up first place with their score of 52 points! They won a £30 voucher!

And here's a reminder of our massive football quiz that is just under two weeks away! Book a table on 020 8702 2590, it's gonna be a busy one!

We're back next Thursday 19th at 7:00pm!

Until next time Stratford, drink while you think...

Thursday 12th March 2015 scores:
1. 52 More Fact Hunts
2. 46 Charlie's Big Potatoes
3. 41 Beth is coming... twice. On your face!
3. 41 Tits on the C2C
5. 31 The Losers
6. 27 The Danish
7. 13 Sticky Situation
8. 10 Old Folks

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"Probably the best football quiz" is on Thursday 26th March!

It's been a long time coming, but finally Quizmaster Trivia is pleased to announce that we're bringing a big football quiz to Stratford's Cafe Football later this month on Thursday 26th March at 7pm!

"Probably the best football quiz" (Cough, cough, definitely...) is bound to be a busy one, with Cafe Football inviting teams to test their football knowledge in a two hour event that will see Quizmaster Trivia bring it's first themed quiz to the Stratford football-themed restaurant!

Topics for the event will include World Cup, Premier League, Champions League, pop culture and a plethora of other football-related trivia. We'll even have a "What happen's next" video round to challenge London's best football-thinking minds!

1st place: Dinner, wine & a signed football from owners Gary Neville & Ryan Giggs.

2nd place: £50 to spend at the bar.

Best Dressed Team: A Cafe Football t-shirt each to wear with pride!

The quiz will be a standard £1/player to participate with no pre-sign up involved. Team numbers are limited to 6 a team instead of the usual 8, so bring your best football fanatics to ensure victory. Fancy dress is encouraged for the event, so put together your best football themed outfit for the evening! Make sure you get a good seat by reserving your team on on 020 8702 2590, it's gonna be a busy one!

Specially-themed quiz FAQs

Do we pre-register, sign up online? 
No. We do these events like it's 1999. Just show up --- we advise you arrive a little early to grab a good seat --- drink, think and have fun. You can however, reserve a table! Just give the guys and gals at Cafe Football a hola on 020 8702 2590!

Okay, how much is it? 
Quiz-for-a-quid. Or £1 as you common folk might say. Bring cash, pay the Quizmaster and drink while you think!

What are the prizes?
This will vary with each event but typically most are offering standard moolah for first place, second place and the best dressed team.

Can I wear a special outfit or costume?
Absolutely. Particularly if you want to feature on the blog. The best dressed team will win a Cafe Football t-shirt each to wear with pride!

Can people under 21 play?
That's out of our hands we're afraid, and will vary depending on the venue. We'll be sure to communicate that via our Facebook page for each specific event, but if you're unsure just call the venue in advance to find out.

Is there a team-size limit? 
Indeed, six people maximum at a themed quiz. Bring your best brains for the job.

Do spectators have to pay? 
Yup. If someone on your team is just there and "doesn't really know anything" they still have to cough up the 100 pence. (Please don't pay us in pennies!) 

I own/manage a venue. Can I host such an event at my bar?
It depends. In almost all cases, we only work with existing Quizmaster clients on our specially themed events, so hire us now and perhaps we can work something out. Such venues must fit certain criteria too.  Location and venue size are key, especially when we've been known to pull in over 100 people for certain events.

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